Field Trip

Last Thursday night at the fundraiser held for Nathan, his teacher casually asked me if I would like to go on the field trip with the class that happened today.

I stuttered out a yes and wondered out loud about childcare and such.

Then we went on our trip. I got an email yesterday from her asking if I could go.

The thing about it all was that I am not the type of mom who really wants to go on the field trip. When his teacher asked me I could tell she was offering something she felt was desired. Isn’t that what the typical stay-at-home-mom does?

I feel guilty because I am not one of those moms. I don’t volunteer in the classroom. If it weren’t for having to pick Nathan up for school to go to the doctor I wouldn’t ever set foot in the school because he rides the bus.

So – I kind of felt I should go on the field trip. What would that say about me if I didn’t want to go?

So I went. I am glad I went. I can’t say it was fun but I am glad to have done it. I got to bounce around in the back of a bus with 40 some first graders. I sat in an auditorium with several thousand firsts graders from schools throughout the city. There was a play with a boy and a mouse and they said the word underpants enough times to send the audience into hysterics. I fought falling asleep many times because it was dark and I am very sleep-deprived.

I got to sit by Nathan and see what his world is like with his class. I think that is why his teacher asked me to go.

I suppose I need to get out of my box a little more often.

3 responses to “Field Trip

  1. Good, I’m not the only one that doesn’t do all the volunteering, even though I work from home and probably could. Our kids (4 of them) range in age from 16 to 15 months. I just signed our 6 year old daughter up for cheerleading last night at the Y, and they asked if I’d like to help coach – and of course I said no thanks. I’ll bring anything you need, but I just don’t like stuff like that. The last field trip I went on was when Andrew was in Kindergarten (he is my oldest) I bounced around on the bus until I was sure I would vomit, we took the little monsters to McDonalds for lunch – it was horrible. I’m glad I went then, but never again 🙂

  2. When my girls were in traditional school, I rarely volunteered. Not my cup-o-tea! LOL

  3. I’m not one for the field trips either. I usually dread them but most of the time end up a decent time.

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